■年2回刊行 ・1号(9月1日発行) ・2号(2月1日発行)
- Volume 46, No.2 (2025) NEW
Theoretical Study on the Geometry Optimization of the Large Soft Polymers with the Elongation MethodXiao HUANG, Yuuichi ORIMOTO, Yuriko AOKIHigh-resolution three-dimensional visualization of dislocations in Mo using weak-beam dark-field electron tomographyYifang ZHAO, Hirotaka SAKAI, Hikaru SAITO, Satoshi HATA
- Volume 46, No.1 (2024)
Photon-photon resonance phenomenon in active multimode interferometer laser as Fabry-Perót laserHe XIAO, Yudai KAWANO, Haisong JIANG, and Kiichi HAMAMOTORovibrational Distribution of CS(A1Π) Produced by Collisions of Metastable Kr(3P2) Atoms with CS2 in the Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Masafumi NAKAMURA, Nobuo KANEKO and Hiroshi OBASEPhotochemical Removal of CH4 in Air Using a 172 nm Xe2 Excimer Lamp at Atmospheric PressureMasaharu TSUJI, Naohiro KAMO, Masato MIYANO and Masashi KAWAHARA
- Volume 45, No.2 (2023)
Emission Spectra of He2* Excimer Produced from the He2+/2e- Collisional Radiative Recombination in the He Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI and Erika Oda−SakoEmission Spectra of He2* Excimer Produced from Ion-Ion Neutralization Reactions of He2+ with C6F6- and C6F5Cl- in the He Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI and Erika Oda−Sako
- Volume 45, No.1 (2023)
Cellular characterization of hiPS-CMs cultured on PMEA analogous polymers with different bound water contentwHiroko KURITA,Shingo KOBAYASHI,Takahisa ANADA,Masaru TANAKA and Mitsugu TODOOptical Spectroscopic Study on Ion-Ion Recombination and Neutralization Reactions of Kr+ with C6F5Cl- and Xe+ with SF6-, C6F6-, and C6F5Cl- in the He Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Hiroaki ISHIMI, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJISpin-orbit State Selectivity in the Formation of RgCl(B,C,D) Excimers from Ion-Ion Recombination Reactions of Rg+ with C6F5Cl- in the Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Hiroaki ISHIMI, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJIBranching Ratios of Recombination and Neutralization Reactions in the Positive ion– Negative Ion Reactions of Kr+ and Xe+ with C6F5Br- and C6F5CF3- in the Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Hiroaki ISHIMI, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJI
- Volume 44, No.2 (2022)
Relative Formation Rate Constants and Electronic-State Distribution of Ne* Produced from the Ne+/2e- Collisional Radiative Recombination in the He Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI,Masahiro HISANO, Keiko UTO,Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJIRelative Formation Rate Constants and Electronic-State Distributions of Ne* Produced from the Ne+/SF6- and Ne+/C6F6- Ion-Ion Neutralization Reactions in the He Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Masahiro HISANO, Keiko UTO,Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJIThermodynamic properties of Cu–Pb–F ternary system for the development of fluoride-ion batteriesShangping ZHU, Hideyuki HARADA, Shoya KAWANO, Kumiko YAMAMOTO, Hidenori MIKI, Takeshi TOJIGAMORI, Kousuke NOI and Satoshi IIKUBO
- Volume 44, No.1 (2022)
A Reinvestigation of Excitation Source of the CS2+(A2Πu– X2Πg) Emission in the Ar Afterglow: Both Ar+ and Ar2+ Ions Can Be Excitation Sources Giving Significantly Different Spectral FeaturesMasaharu TSUJI, Minoru ENDOH, Tsuyoshi FUNATSU, Masafumi NAKAMURA, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, and Takeshi TSUJIMass-Spectroscopic Studies on Ion-Molecule Reactions of Ar2+, N3+, and N4+ Cluster Ions with Simple Aliphatic Hydrocarbons at Thermal EnergyMasaharu TSUJI, Hiroyuki Kouno, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJIMultilayer Boron Films and Band Gap TransitionShahadat HOSSAIN,Tensei IWAKI and Takeshi NAKAGAWALow Temperature Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass under Steam for Selective Production of Coniferyl AldehydeFu WEI, Shinji KUDO, Xinyu WANG, Shusaku ASANO, Jun-ichiro Hayashi
- Volume 43, No.2 (2021)
Formation of Excited CH(A2△, B2Σ−,and C2Σ+) Radicals by Collisions of Metastable Ne(3P0,2) Atoms with Simple C1~C3 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in a Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Takahiro KOMATSU, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJIFormation of Excited CH(A2△) and CD(A2△) Radicals by Collisions of Metastable Ar(3P2) Atoms with C2H, C2D, and C2H3 Radicals in an Ar Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Takahiro KOMATSU, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJIImprovement of blister-resistance of Mo/Si multilayers by capping layer attached via intermediate layerHiroaki TOMURO, Koichiro KOUGE, Tatsuya YANAGIDA, Masayuki MORITA, Masahiko ANDOU, Yoshiyuki HONDA and Tsuyoshi YOSHITAKEEffects of O and Al Addition on Twinning Deformation in TitaniumGenki TSUKAMOTO, Tomonori KUNIEDA, Masatoshi MITSUHARA, Hideharu NAKASHIMASpectroscopic Study for UV Irradiation Effect on Adsorption State of Volatile Aldehyde at Single Crystalline ZnO Nanowire SurfaceWenjun LI, Kazuki NAGASHIMA, Chen WANG, Hideto YOSHIDA, Takuro HOSOMI, Tsunaki TAKAHASHI, Wataru TANAKA, Masaki KANAI and Takeshi YANAGIDADiscrimination of Complex Odors with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Data by Texture Image Analysis and Machine LearningChaiyanut JIRAYUPAT, Kazuki NAGASHIMA, Takuro HOSOMI, Tsunaki TAKAHASHI, Wataru TANAKA, Masaki KANAI and Takeshi YANAGIDA
- Volume 43, No.1 (2021)
RKR Franck–Condon Factors and r– centroids of the d3Πg−a3Πu, e3Πg−a3Πu, C1Πg−A1Πu, and D1Σu+−X1Σg+ Band Systems of C2 RadicalMasaharu TSUJI, Takahiro KOMATSU, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJIDissociative Excitation of C2H2 by Collisions with Metastable Ne(3P0,2) Atoms in a Flowing AfterglowMasaharu TSUJI, Takahiro KOMATSU, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, and Takeshi TSUJIIsotope Effects in Dissociative Excitation of C2H2 and C2D2 by Collisions with Metastable Ne(3P0,2) AtomsMasaharu TSUJI, Takahiro KOMATSU, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, and Takeshi TSUJI
- Volume 42, No.2 (2021)
Mass-Spectrometric Study on Ion-Molecule Reactions of CH5+, C2H5+, and C3H5+ with C8~C18 1-Alkynes in an Ion TrapMasaharu TSUJI, Tsukasa SATO, Yuki TANAKA, Takeshi ARIKAWA, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJIStudies on Sn Thin Film Decomposition Using VHF hydrogen plasmasMengran JI, Ryo NAGATA, Kiichiro UCHINO
- Volume 42, No.1 (2020)
Formation of Pt-rich AuPt Alloy Frame Nanorods with Semi-spherical End Caps Using Au Nanorods as Sacrificial TemplatesMasaharu TSUJI, Atsuhiko YAJIMA, Yukinori NAKASHIMA, Keiko UTO, Masashi HATTORI, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJI, Hirofumi KAWAZUMIAmplifier-assisted Waveguide Sensing toward Breath-gas AnalysisWenying LI, Yu HAN, Zanhui CHEN, Leiyun WANG, Haisong JIANG, Kiichi HAMAMOTOSyntheses of Cu2O and Cu Nanoparticles by Using a Polyol MethodMasaharu TSUJI, Yuki YOSHIDA, Mika MATSUNAGA, Keiko UTO, Masashi HATTORI, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJI
- Volume 41, No.2 (2020)
Initial Product-Ion Distributions in Ion-Molecule Reactions of CH5+, C2H5+, and C3H5+ with PhX (X = H, CH3, C2H5, C2H3, and C2H)Masaharu TSUJI, Takeshi ARIKAWA, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJIImprovements of Electrical Characteristics of Single-Crystalline ZnO Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors via Self-Assembled Monolayer ModificationHao ZENG, Tsunaki TAKAHASHI, Takuro HOSOMI, Kazuki NAGASHIMA, Masaki KANAI, Guozhu ZHANG, Takeshi YANAGIDA面不斉 9 員環ジアリルアミドの立体化学的安定性に対する置換基効果: E-アルケン上の置換位置による顕著な差異林 純一・上原 和浩・阿野 勇介・鈴木 征希・河崎 悠也・井川 和宣・友岡 克彦Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid Decomposition Using Au@Pd and Au@Pd/TiO2 Core−shell Nanocatalysts Prepared by Microwave HeatingMasaharu TSUJI, Kento FUKUTOMI, Masashi HATTORI, Daisuke SHIMAMOTO, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJISynthesis of Au@Ni Core−shell Nanoparticles Using NaBH4 or L-ascorbic Acid as a Reducing agentMasaharu TSUJI, Kento FUKUTOMI, Masashi HATTORI, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI and Takeshi TSUJI
- Volume 41, No.1 (2019)
Simultaneous Removal of NO2 and C6H6 in an NO2/C6H6 Mixture in Air by 172-nm Xe2 Excimer Lamp at Atmospheric PressureMasaharu TSUJI, Takashi KAWAHARA, Keiko UTO, Jun-Ichiro HAYASHI, Takeshi TSUJI
- Volume 40, No.3 (2019)
- Volume 40, No.2 (2018)
Two Dimensional PIC Simulation of VHF Capacitively Coupled Ar PlasmaLi-Wen Su, Kiichiro UCHINO,Yoshinobu KAWAISynthesis and Characterization of Mono-acryl Liquid crystalline Functional MonomerDaisuke YOSHIZAWA, Yasushi OKUMURA, Hirotsugu KIKUCHIObservation of the whole Thomson scattering spectrum of laser-produced plasmas for EUV light sourcesYuta SATO, Raimu FUKADA, Fumitaka ITO, Kentaero TOMITA, Kiichiro UCHINO
- Volume 40, No.1 (2018)
Laboratory Experiments on the Transition of Wind-Driven Water SurfaceDaisuke MIYAZAKI, Yuji SUGIHARA,† Yoshihiro NAKAMURA, Michio SANJOU, and Takaaki OKAMOTOPrecipitation Behavior of Super Duplex Stainless Steel in Friction-Stir-Welding ProcessesItto SUGIMOTO, † Hikaru SAITO and Satoshi HATA
- Volume 39, No.2 (2018)
Exergy Analysis of a Vapour Compression Chiller at Elevated Chilled Water Outlet Conditions ColombatantirigeUthpala Amoda PERERA・Bidyut Baran SAHA・Takahiko MIYAZAKI・Shigeru KOYAMA・Kyaw THU
- Volume 38, No.3 (2017)
- Volume 38, No.2 (2016)
- Volume 38, No.1 (2016)
Optical field profile evaluation on silica high-mesa waveguide for infrared absorption sensingHirohito HOKAZONO, Haisong JIANG, and Kiichi HAMAMOTO
- Volume 37, No. 2 (2016)
Structural analysis of mesoporous ZrO2 and TiO2 nanofiber mats prepared by electrospinning methodsChanmin LEE Yong-Gun SHUL and Hisahiro EINAGAMeasurement of Electron Density and Electron Temperature in Decaying Arcs Containing Decomposed Gas from PolymerHassaballa SAFWAT and Kentaro TOMITACompilation of bathymetric data for the South China Sea 2: High resolution dataset based on multiple sourcesKatsuto UEHARAAn experimental study on aerodynamic interaction between a boundary layer generated by a smooth and rough wall and a wake behind spireNurizzatul Atikha RAHMAT Aya HAGISHIMA Naoki IKEGAYA Jun TANIMOTO
- Volume 37, No.1 (2015)
Aerodynamic effect of overhang on a turbulent flow field within a two-dimensional street canyonMohd Faizal MOHAMAD, Aya HAGISHIMA, Naoki IKEGAYA,Jun TANIMOTO, and Abd Rahman OMAR
- Volume 36, No. 2 (2014)
Development of Thomson Scattering Diagnostics for Cathode-Directed Streamer Discharges in HeliumNima BOLOUKI, Safwat HASSABALLA, Kentaro TOMITA and Kiichiro UCHINOPrediction of Damage Formation in Total Hip Arthroplasty using Finite Element MethodAbdul Halim ABDULLAH and Mitsugu TODO
- Volume 35, No. 3 (2013)
総合理工学報告 第35巻3号
- Volume 35, No. 2 (2013)
Compilation and validation of bathymetric data for the South China Sea with an emphasis on shallow regionKatsuto UEHARA
- Volume 35, No. 1 (2013)
Investigation of VHF Argon Plasma at High Pressure by Balanced Power Feeding Using Laser Thomson ScatteringWeiting CHEN, Kohei OGIWARA, Koichiro KOGE, Kentaro TOMITA, Kiichiro UCHINO and Yoshinobu KAWAI
- Volume 34, No. 3 (2012)
- Volume 34, No. 2 (2012)
- Volume 34, No. 1 (2012)
- Volume 33, No. 4 (2011)
- Volume 33, No. 3 (2011)
- Volume 33, No. 1 (2011)
Simulation on Toroidal Field Power Supply of HL-2A Tokamak: Application of Dual DQ0 Transformation for Six-Phase Synchronous Generator ModelXiaolong LIU, Kazuo NAKAMURA, Kazutoshi TOKUNAGA, Makoto HASEGAWA, Kuniaki ARAKI, Yi JIANG, Tatsuya YOSHISUE, Hideki ZUSHI, Kazuaki HANADA, Akihide FUJISAWA, Hiroshi IDEI, Shoji KAWASAKI, Hisatoshi NAKASHIMA, Aki HIGASHIJIMA
- Volume 32, No. 4 (2010)
- Volume 32, No. 3 (2010)
Performance Investigation of a Novel CO2 Compression-Adsorption Based Hybrid Cooling CycleSkander JRIBI, Shigeru KOYAMA and Bidyut Baran SAHA
- Volume 32, No. 1 (2010)
- Volume 31, No. 4 (2009)
Non-contact and Non-invasive Stress Evaluation Using Microwave ReflectometryDaisuke NAGAE and Atsushi MASE
- Volume 31, No. 3 (2009)
- Volume 31, No. 2 (2009)
Experimental Study of Adsorption Rate of R507A on Activated CarbonKhairul HABIB, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY and Shigeru KOYAMA
- Volume 31, No. 1 (2009)
Experimental Evaluation of Adsorption Kinetics of Activated Carbon/HFC-134a PairKhairul HABIB, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY and Shigeru KOYAMADirect synthesis of Cryolite type Li3FeF6 and its characterization as positive electrode in Li cellIrina D. GOCHEVA, Yuichi KAMIMURA, Takayuki DOI, Shigeto OKADA, Jun-ichi YAMAKI and Tetsuaki NISHIDAOptical Bit-Memory Element Based on Bi-Stability between Different Lateral Modes Using Novel Active Multi-Mode-Interferometer (MMI) for Random Access Memory (RAM) ApplicationHaisong JIANG, Hany Ayad BASTAWROUS, Hirotaka SAIKAKU, Yuichiro TAHARA, Shinji MATSUO and Kiichi HAMAMOTO
- Volume 30, No. 4 (2008)
Evaluation of Heat of Adsorption of Methane, R507A and HFC-134a from Desorption MethodaKhairul HABIB, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY and Shigeru KOYAMAThe first English debate class of the IGSES’ Global Centre of Excellence on Novel Carbon ResourcesThies THIEMANN
- Volume 30, No. 3 (2008)
Performance Evaluation of Maxsorb III-1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoro-ethane Based Adsorption Cooling CycleKhairul HABIB, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Anutosh CHAKRABORTY, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY and Shigeru KOYAMA
- Volume 30, No. 2 (2008)
Adsorption Characteristics of Methane, HFC-134a and R507A on Highly Porous Activated CarbonKhairul HABIB, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY, Anutosh CHAKRABORTY, Kandadai SRINIVASAN and Shigeru KOYAMARotation of Ethylene Molecule on the Organometallic Species: A Possibility to Control the Rotation RateHideo KONDO, Taizo HAYASHIDA, Yoshitaka YAMAGUCHI, Yusuke SUNADA and Hideo NAGASHIMAUsing Stress Intensity Factors in Fracture Load Estimation for IC Ceramic PackagesMasahiro ISHIBASHI and Hideharu NAKASHIMA
- Volume 30, No. 1 (2008)
太陽風中を伝播する有限振幅磁気流体波動のヴラソフシミュレーション:Vlasov-Hall-MHDコードの開発神代 天・羽田 亨・成行 泰裕・梅田 隆行Transient Behavior of Activated Carbon Fiber-Ethanol Based Two-Stage Adsorption ChillerIbrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Anutosh CHAKRABORTY, Mahmoud HASSAN and Shigeru KOYAMAField Study on Photovoltaic System and All-electrified Residential Equipment in Detached HousesQingrong LIU, Tetsuo HAYASHI and Yuji RYUProduction of Large Diameter, High-Density Helicon Plasma with Short Axial Length Using a Flat Spiral AntennaTaisei MOTOMURA, Kenji TANAKA, Shunjiro SHINOHARA and Takao TANIKAWASolvent effect on the reversibility of base catalyzed Henry reactions -Triton B catalyzed nitro aldol reactions in alcohol-Fumiyasu ONO, Hiroe SOEJIMA, Junji TANAKA and Shuji KANEMASATransmission Electron Microscopy Observation of MgB2 Superconducting Materials with Inhomogeneous Microstructure: Influences of Specimen Preparation MethodsSatoshi HATA, Harini SOSIATI, Takeshi YOSHIDOME, Noriyuki KUWANO, Akiyoshi MATSUMOTO, Hitoshi KITAGUCHI and Hiroaki KUMAKURA
- Volume 29, No. 4 (2007)
Linear Driving Force Approximation for Gasoline Vapors Recovery using Activated CarbonsIbrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Anutosh CHAKRABORTY, Shigeru KOYAMA, Jingming HE and Kim Choon NGCsI(Tl)シンチレータ応答に対する陽子の核反応損失林 真照・渡辺 幸信・Jan BLOMGREN・Leif NILSSON・Angelica OHRN・Michael OSTERLUND・Stephan POMP・Alexander PROKOFIEV・Vasily SIMUTKIN・Par-Anders SODERSTROM・Udomrat TIPPAWANThe plasma current control in the TRIAM-1M tokamakHandong XU, K. HANADA, M. HASEGAWA, H. ZUSHI, K. NAKAMURA, K. N. SATO, M. SAKAMOTO, H. IDEI and TRIAM GroupEnhanced catalytic activity of H-Beta zeolite and MCM-41 in the cyclopentadiene Diels-Alder reactionsTomoyuki IMAI, Fumiyasu ONO, Junji TANAKA, Tsuneji SANO and Shuji KANEMASA
- Volume 29, No. 3 (2007)
Experimental Study on Local Heat Transfer Characteristics of Refrigerant R410A Condensing in a Multi-Port Extruded TubeXuesong WU, Shigeru KOYAMA and Ken KUWAHARA
- Volume 29, No. 2 (2007)
A New Apparatus for Measurement of Adsorption Isotherms and Heat: Activated Carbon and Methane PairKhairul HABIB, Bidyut Baran SAHA, Anutosh CHAKRABORTY, Kandadai SRINIVASAN, Ibrahim Ibrahim El-SHARKAWY and Shigeru KOYAMADevelopment of a Large Diameter Diaphragmless Shock Tube for Use in Gas-Dynamic Laser ExperimentsI. da S. REGO, Y. MIYOSHI, T. ANDO, K. GOTO, K. MISUMI, T. MIYAZAKI, S. NISHIYORI, K. N. SATO, M. SAKAMOTO, S. KAWASAKI and TRIAM Team
- Volume 29, No. 1 (2007)
Comparison of Sea Surface Dynamic Heights Estimated from Inverted Echo Sounder Data and Satellite Altimeter DataKoji KAKINOKI, Shiro IMAWAKI, Kaoru ICHIKAWA and Shin-ichiro UMATANIStudy on Plasma Shape Reproduction of SphericalFeng WANG, Kazuo NAKAMURA, Osamu MITARAI, Kenichi KURI-HARA, Yoichi KAWAMATA, Michiharu SUEOKA, Kohnosuke SATO, Hideki ZUSHI, Kazuaki HANADA, Mizuki SAKAMOTO, Hiroshi IDEI, Makoto HASEGAWA, Shoji KAWASAKI, Hisatoshi NAKASHIMA, Aki HIGASHI-JIMA
- Volume 28, No. 4 (2006)
QUEST装置における誘導電場による初期プラズマ生成長谷川 真・中村 一男・佐藤 浩之助・花田 和明・図子 秀樹・坂本 瑞樹・出射 浩・川﨑 昌二・中島 寿年・東島 亜紀New Developments in solvent reduced Wittig olefination reactions with stabilized PhosphoranesThies THIEMANN, Masataka WATANABE and Jesus INIESTA
- Volume 28, No. 3 (2006)
Spectroscopic and Crystallographic Studies on the Insertion Reaction of Aryl Isocyanides into the Bond between Palladium and Carbon, which Contribute to Understanding the trans-[Br2Ni(CNAr)2]-Catalyzed Ethylene PolymerizationKazuhiro TSUCHIYA and Hideo NAGASHIMA
- Volume 28, No. 2 (2006)
閉鎖系におけるエコバイオ・ブロック(EBB)の水質浄化性能松永 信博・増田 壮佑・徳永 貴久・矢野 真一郎・押川 英夫・藤田 和夫・古雅 雅之・岩下 智明・原田 敦彦
- Volume 28, No. 1 (2006)
一般座標系LES による間欠スワールテープ装入管の伝熱解析Hiroyuki NAKAHARAI, Takehiko YOKOMINE, Shinji EBARA and Akihiko SHIMIZU
- Volume 27, No. 4 (2005)
Spatio-Temporal Behavior of Bistable Density Transition in Magnetized PlasmaShunjiro SHINOHARA, Katsuhisa SUGIMORI, Yasushi NAKAMURA and Masatoshi YAGI
- Volume 27, No. 3 (2005)
Development of a Calculation Method for Vortex Induced Vibration of a Long Riser Oscillating at its Upper EndHidetaka SENGA, Wataru KOTERAYAMA
- Volume 27, No. 2 (2005)
- Volume 27, No. 1 (2005)
Electrochemical properties of Fe2O3-Nano-Loaded Carbon and Fe2O3-Nano/Carbon Mixed Composites for Iron-Air Battery AnodesBui Thi HANG, Minato EGASHIRA, Izumi WATANABE, Satoshi HATA, Shigeto OKADA, Jun-ichi YAMAKI, Seong-Ho YOON