Volume 10 Issue 3 ( September 2023 )


Finite Element Analysis for Improved All-Terrain Vehicle Component Design

Lalit N. Patil, Atul A. Patil, Kishor B. Waghulde, Sarika A. Patil, Yashraj M. Patil, Subhash L. Gadhave, Vijaykumar K. Javanjal, Swapnil S. Jadhav


All-terrain vehicle (ATV) is an off-road vehicle that can be easily driven over any terrain. However, because to the severe stresses imposed by the gravel tracks and the weight limits, one critical component such as the Reduction Gearbox is prone to failure. The gearbox is an expensive component, and if it fails, the vehicle becomes immobilized. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to design, develop and analyze the ATV components for enhancement in life. These analytical designs have been validated using CAD models with FEA tools. Various Analyses like Structural, Repeated loads and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been performed to study the behaviour of components and oil flow during operations. The results shows that all the components are not prone to fail within the specified operating limits based on the analytical calculations and Finite Element Analysis.

Keywords: ANSYS; CFD; Finite Element Analysis; Gearbox