Volume 10 Issue 3 ( September 2023 )


Using trim Control to Improve energy Efficiency on High-Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV): A Review

Muhammad Luqman Hakim, Dian Purnamasari, Muryadin Muryadin, Fariz Maulana Noor, Putri Virliani, Endah Suwarni, Rina Rina, Nurcholis Nurcholis, Rio Dwi Sakti Wijaya


Indonesia is an archipelago made up of a large number of islands, many of which are small and isolated. For effective connection of the islands, it is crucial to have efficient and well-designed marine transportation systems. High-speed marine vehicles (HSMVs) are suitable for this purpose due to their compact size and speed. As the country continues to grow, the demand for HSMVs is increasing. However, to address the issue of climate change, these vehicles must have technological advancements that increase their energy efficiency. One way to achieve this is through trim control, a technique that can reduce the ship's resistance and improve energy efficiency. Studies have shown that if the trim control is properly configured, it can reduce the effects of ship drag and porpoising. However, the speed parameter, hull characteristics, and return moment capacity of the trim control must be properly configured. Because if the design is incorrect, resistance actually rises in comparison to not employing trim control.

Keywords: planing hull; high-speed marine vehicles; trim control; interceptor; trim tab; stern foil