
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to CSS-EEST 19, the 19th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology, to be held from November 29 to December 1, 2017, at Chikushi campus, Kyushu University.
Series of CSS symposium started in 1998 and the first Symposium was held in November 1999 at the Chikushi Campus of Kyushu University.
This symposium has been designed to provide a common platform for graduate students with the opportunity to present their scientific findings in English to overseas counterparts and exchange opinions not only on their research but also on other mutual interests.

This symposium will present the latest research issues related energy, environmental science and technology, and mainly consists of following activities:

- Plenary lectures by faculty members.
- Oral and poster sessions by students.
- Opportunities for free discussions and for cultivating friendship.

I believe that this symposium will contribute the promotion of mutual understanding and be a good opportunity for research exchange.

On behalf of the organizing committee, I warmly invite you to join us in Fukuoka, the cultural and beautiful city of Japan for CSS-EEST 19.
I hope you will enjoy staying in Kyushu during CSS-EEST19.

Kazuhide Ito, Ph.D. Professor
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
Kyushu University