Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Metrics by SCOPUS 2023

SNIP: 1.513

SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Metrics by SCOPUS 2023

Editorial oversight

Evergreen is open to publishing special issues. The special issues may be for the selected papers from conferences, symposiums or special topics. The editorial oversight process for the special issues in Evergreen involves the following steps:

  1. Submission of the special issue proposal:
    The special issue arrangement in Evergreen begins with the submission of the special issue proposal form which can be downloaded here. The duly filled proposal form should be sent to the Evergreen Secretariat (evergreen@ga.kyushu-u.ac.jp) and the Executive Editor (kyaw.thu.813@m.kyushu-u.ac.jp). Evergreen will review the proposal, and the decision process takes about one to two months.
  2. Selection and submission of the special issue agreement form:
    Once the special issue proposal was approved, the managing guest editor team should proceed with the selection of the papers and submission of the “special issue agreement form” (will be sent by Evergreen to the managing guest editor). It is expected that the managing guest editorial team conducts a fair selection process of the papers based on the research quality and their merits.
  3. Initial screening:
    Evergreen will conduct the initial screenings of the submitted papers to the respective special issues for the scope, quality, conformity, scientific contents, and the requirements (formatting and similarity test, etc.) of the journal. Articles that do not pass the initial screening will be rejected/sent back to the authors for further actions.
  4. Peer review:
    Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will undergo the single-blind peer-review process. The review process will be handled by the guest editorial team. The guest editorial team is required to invites knowledgeable experts in the field to rigorously evaluate the manuscripts’ scientific contents, methodology, novelty, and significance. The reviewers may provide comments, suggestions, and recommendations.
  5. Editorial decision:
    The guest editorial team will review the evaluations of the reviewers and make initial editorial decisions on the manuscripts, which include accept, revision, reject or further reviews. The authors may receive the peer-review results once at least two reviews are available. Evergreen almost never accepts manuscripts without revisions (accept as it is in the first round doesn’t happen).
  6. Revision and resubmission:
    Authors are required to address the comments of the editors and reviewers satisfactorily and judiciously in point-by-point. It is necessary to submit a separate file for the responses to the comments of the editors and reviewers. Authors are required to submit two copies of manuscripts in the revision stage; one where changes are highlighted and another where changes are updated. The revised manuscripts will be sent to the original reviewers if they requested for the additional review or will be reviewed by the editorial team if the reviewers do not request for further review.
  7. Acceptance and copyediting:
    The Executive Editor will send out the editorial decision following the recommendation of the guest editorial team. At this stage, authors may request the acceptance letters for the manuscripts.
  8. Proofreading and publication:
    Evergreen secretariat will send out the proofs to the corresponding authors for minor corrections such as the name conformity and typesetting. Authors are requested to send back the proofs as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours. The manuscript will be available as the “article-in-press” on the journal website. Unless further notified, accepted articles will be published in the coming issue (Evergreen publishes four issues a year at the ends of March, June, September, and December).
  9. Post-publication and amendments:
    When authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper by writing erratum/ corrigendum.
  10. APC & payment procedures:
    The current article processing charge (APC) is USD 400 per article, including tax. Payment procedures are described here. Please contact EVERGREEN Secretariat before making the payments.