Volume 1 Issue 1 ( March 2014 )
Hideo Nagashima
Akira Harata
Elastic Modulus of the Gel made from Interpenetrating Polymer Networks in Phase Separated State
Zhe Xu, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Akihiko Takada
Pages 1-5
Characterization of Solid Deposits formed in Geothermal Surface Facilities
Loren Tusara, Ryuichi Itoi
Pages 6-13
A Study of Density for Pullulan/Ionic Liquid Solutions
Hao Hu, Akihiko Takada, Yoshiaki Takahashi
Pages 14-19
A Detection Method for Multi-Touch on Single-Layered Capacitive Touch Panel
Kyuwon Kyoung, Ryota Yoneda, Reiji Hattori
Pages 20-24
Thermodynamic Analysis of Adsorption Cooling Cycle using Ethanol-Surface treated Maxsorb III Pairs
Kutub Uddin, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama
Pages 25-31
Micro- and Macro-Scale Measurement of Fungal Growth under Various Temperature and Humidity Conditions
Kazuhide Ito
Pages 32-39
Performance Evaluation of Industrial Air-Shower in Removal of Gas- and Liquid-phase Contaminants from Human Body
Cong Li, Kazuhide Ito
Pages 40-47