Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Metrics by SCOPUS 2023

SNIP: 1.513

SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Metrics by SCOPUS 2023

Submission Guidelines for Authors

EVERGREEN - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy



EVERGREEN is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of novel carbon resource sciences and green Asia strategy. All submissions that contribute to the sustainable development and carbon neutral society are welcome.


Types of manuscripts

EVERGREEN have been publishing various types of scholarly manuscripts under the following categories.

  • Original research article: Detailed and quality studies (experimental, numerical, computational, theoretical) reporting of original research.
  • Review: Comprehensive overviews of specific topics.
  • Technical report: Descriptions of specific procedures, techniques, or methodologies.
  • Letter: Brief reports of significant findings.
  • Note to Editor: Short comments or clarifications regarding previously published articles.


Important information

  • Publication fee: All regular papers are published free-of-charge (FOC) with zero APC and zero hidden cost.
  • Open Access: EVERGREEN is an open access journal.
  • Ethics in publishing: Authors are required to adhere to ethical standards in research and publishing. Research involving human or animal subjects must have ethical approval. Please refer to our publication ethics statement for more details.
  • Usage of AI: Authors are required to declare the use of AI tools in manuscript preparation. The usage of AI is not prohibited for EVERGREEN.
  • Declaration of competing interest: Authors are required to disclose any financial or personal relationships that could influence their work.
  • Submission declaration and verification: The contents of the submitted manuscripts have not been published in whole or in part elsewhere and must not be under consideration elsewhere.
  • Preprints: Submission to preprints is not encouraged since the similarity software will detect them and count in the similarity score.
  • Author contributions: Contributions of each author have to be specified using the CRediT taxonomy.
  • Changes to authorship: Changes in the authorship will be considered before the acceptance. At any stage after the submission, all authors (including the authors whose names were removed) must approve the changes. A written statement signed by all authors (including the authors whose names were removed) must be submitted to EVERGREEN for consideration. Any changes in authorship are not permitted after acceptance of the manuscript.
  • Copyright: All papers in EVERGREEN are published adhering to the principles of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Please refer to our “Open Access Policy & Copyright” statement for more information.
  • Author rights: Authors have the right to reuse their published work.
  • Role of the funding source: Authors must declare the role of funders in the research. Changes in funding sources after the acceptance of the articles are not permitted. Funding agencies stated in the initial submission cannot be removed, unless the funders agreed to do so.
  • Language: All manuscripts, including references, must be written in English, and professionally edited. It is necessary to include the translated versions of non-English phrases.


Manuscript Submission and Resubmission

EVERGREEN have been publishing various types of scholarly manuscripts under the following categories.

  • Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted via the EVERGREEN submission system (https://www.editorialsystem.com/egreen/).
  • Resubmission: Authors may resubmit revised manuscripts addressing reviewers’ comments within the given time.
  • Author Inquiries: Authors can contact the editorial office or via the author’s portal for submission status updates.


Review Process:

EVERGREEN adopts a single-blind peer-review process. Manuscripts have to go through until all reviewers recommend for the acceptance.

  • Initial assessment (Rejection without Review): Manuscripts may be rejected without review if deemed unsuitable.
  • Peer review: All manuscripts that pass the initial assessment will be sent to anonymous reviewers for their evaluations. Authors are required to address (responses or rebuttal) all the comments elaboratively and comprehensively.
  • Review timeline: The review timeline depends on the volunteering services of the reviewers. If suitable reviewers accepted the review invitations, it takes typically around 4 – 6 weeks to receive independent and comprehensive review comments.
  • Suggesting referees: Authors are required to suggest at least three potential referees.
  • Excluding referees: Authors may include a list of referees who should not review their works with the detailed reasons provided.
  • Number of referees: Typically, comprehensive and independent review comments from at least two referees are necessary.
  • Referee selection: Referees are selected based on expertise.
  • Rounds of review: Multiple rounds of review may be required. All manuscripts will be sent to the reviewers until all of them are satisfied with the revisions.
  • Responding to Referee Reports: Authors are required to address all the comments of the reviewers elaboratively and comprehensively. The editor reviews the responses before sending to the reviewers. If the responses are not satisfactory, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for further improvements.
  • Review Procedure for a Comment: The comments will be anonymously sent to the corresponding author(s) of the object paper for their responses. These authors may recommend for the acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript. The exchanged comments will be sent to independent experts in the field for the review for the decision on the publication.
  • Editorial decision: The editorial team makes the decision on the manuscript based on the referee’s recommendations.
  • Revision and resubmission: Authors are required to revise by addressing all the comments of the reviewers or satisfactory rebuttals. The resubmission of the revised submission requires a separate responses document and the revised manuscripts.
  • Acceptance and copyediting: Accepted manuscripts undergo copyediting before the publication.
  • Proofreading, article in press and publication: Authors need to thoroughly proofread the proof sent by the editorial office within 48 hours. Significant changes will be considered only by the permission of the executive editor. Proofreading the sole responsibility of the authors.


Manuscript Preparation

New submissions
Currently, authors are required to format their manuscripts according to EVERGREEN manuscript template. The handling efficiency and timeline depends a lot on the adherence of the manuscripts to the template.

Templates: Templates for various types of articles are available on the EVERGREEN website.

Language: All manuscripts, including references, must be written in English and professionally edited. It is necessary to include the translated versions of non-English phrases.

Article lengths:

  • Original research article: Up to 8,000 words.
  • Review: Up to 10,000 words.
  • Technical report: Up to 5,000 words.
  • Letter: Up to 1,500 words.
  • Note to Editor: Up to 1,000 words.

Article structure

  • Title: Title should be concise, informative, and should not be too long. It should avoid using acronyms, unless they are universally known, such as IBM, NASA, HP, etc.
  • Authorship: List all the names of all authors following the EVERGREEN manuscript template. It is necessary to put the (*) to the name(s) of the corresponding author(s).
  • Affiliations: Provide institutional affiliations for all authors, including the city and country names. Do not put the academic positions such as Professors, Dean, PhD scholars, in the affiliation. It is necessary to provide full names of the institution, for example, National University of Singapore, rather than NUS.
  • Correspondence: Include the email address(es) of the corresponding author(s). Contribution statements: Specify contributions using the CRediT taxonomy.
  • Abstract: The abstract should be within 200 words in one paragraph. It should state the key contribution of the manuscript. Abstract should be written concisely. This section should not have citations, figures, and tables.
  • Keywords: Please list up to five keywords separated by semicolons.
  • Sections: All sections until conclusion should be numbered. Please follow the EVERGREEN manuscript template.
  1. Introduction The introduction section should be numbered. It is necessary to provide the background, comprehensive literature review by citing several relevant, recent and impactful papers to arrive at the research objectives and justify the novelty of the work. Authors may separate the introduction and literature sections. Please follow the EVERGREEN in-text citation style 1) .
  2. Materials and method This section should be numbered. Authors are required to comprehensively describe the materials and method adopted in the manuscript. Details information on the samples, experimental conditions, parameters, synthesis steps should be provided. This section may have several numbered subsections.
  3. Results and discussion This section should be numbered. Authors should provide insightful explanations and discussion of all figures and tables. This section may have several numbered subsections.
  4. Conclusion
    This section should be numbered. Authors should provide the summary of their key findings in this section. Conclusion only by points are not acceptable. It is preferable to have only one paragraph without figures and tables.

    CRediT authorship contribution statement
    This section should not be numbered. Specify contributions using the CRediT taxonomy. It is necessary to breakdown the contributions of all authors in this section.

    Declaration of competing interest
    This section should not be numbered. Authors are required to disclose any financial or personal relationships that could influence their work.

    Data availability
    This section should not be numbered. Authors should provide the means of the data availability in this section.

    This section should not be numbered. Authors must declare the funding agencies in the research. It is necessary to provide the concise information about the funder such as grant numbers.

    This section should not be numbered. List all the symbols, abbreviations and scripts (super- and sub) in a table with their definitions and SI units.

    Supplementary materials
    This section should not be numbered. Additional material such as procedures, analysis and data, should be provided in this section. Research papers on the machine learning and artificial intelligence should provide details about their data (training and validation) in this section.

    This section should not be numbered. Please download the EVERGREEN citation style file ( Evergreen.csl ). Some examples on the citation styles are provided below.

    1. M. Elimelech, and W.A. Phillip, “The future of seawater desalination: energy, technology, and the environment,” Science (80-. )., 333 (6043) 712–717 (2011). doi:10.1126/science.1200488.

    1. M.J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, D.D. Boettner, and M.B. Bailey, “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,” Wiley, 2010. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=oyt8iW6B4aUC.

    1. M.A. Lambert, and B.J. Jones, “Automotive adsorption air conditioner powered by exhaust heat. part 2: detailed design and analysis,” Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part D J. Automob. Eng., 220 (7) 973–989 (2006). doi:10.1243/09544070JAUTO222.

    1. “Keeping an eye on the big picture,” n.d. http://www.caw.ca/en/11123.htm (accessed September 25, 2018).


Math formulae: An edible version of the math equations should be provided. Pictures are not accepted. Equations should be numbered in the parenthesis.

Instructions for figures and tables:

Figures: Authors should provide publication quality figures in their manuscript. A good reference is here (https://scidraw.nd.edu/). It is necessary to prepare the figures with the axes titles, labels, proper legends, and visible symbol sizes. Proper descriptions of the figures, especially, experimental photos or pictorial views, should be provided. All figures should be embedded in the manuscript in their preferred locations. Separate attachments of the figures are also accepted.

  • License: All papers in EVERGREEN are published adhering to the principles of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Reprint permits for all adopted materials must be submitted. Simply putting the citations for the adopted figures is not acceptable.
  • Figure requirements: It is recommended to submit publication quality figures. One figure that has several sub-figures such as (A), (B) and (C), etc., instead of providing the separate versions, is preferable.
  • File types: Acceptable formats are EPS, TIFF, JPEG.
  • Figure captions: Please provide concise descriptions for each figure.

Tables: Please format tables using the provided template. Clear and concise table captions should be provided. It is necessary to provide the citations for the data listed in the table. Tables should be editable and in figure formats are not acceptable.

For further information and detailed submission guidelines, please visit the EVERGREEN journal website or contact the editorial office.

Contact Information:

  • EVERGREEN Secretariat: evergreen@ga.kyushu-u.ac.jp
  • Address: EVERGREEN Secretariat, Kyushu University, 6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga, Fukuoka
  • 816-8580 Japan
  • Phone: +81-92-583-7823
  • FAX: +81-92-583-8909

These guidelines aim to ensure a smooth submission and review process for manuscripts submitted to EVERGREEN. Authors should adhere strictly to these guidelines to facilitate efficient processing and publication of their research.