Volume 8 Issue 1 ( March 2021 )
Jun Tanimoto (Editor-in-Chief)
Kyaw Thu (Executive Editor)
Social Capital, Collective Action, and the Development of Agritourism for Sustainable Agriculture in Rural Indonesia
Achmad T. Nugraha, Gunawan Prayitno, Abdul W. Hasyim, Fauzan Roziqin
Influence of Technology in Learning Macro Skills of English in a Multicultural Classroom: A Case Study of Students’ Perception
Anchal Mishra, Mandvi Singh
Assessment of Greenhouse Gases Emission from Integrated Solid Waste Management in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia
Syafrudin, Mochamad Arief Budihardjo, Nany Yuliastuti, Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan
Fuzzy Decision Support System for the Outbreak of COVID-19 and Improving the People Livelihood
Gunasekaran Prabakaran, Dhandapani Vaithiyanathan, Harish Kumar
A Statistical Analysis of Sputtering Parameters on Superconducting Properties of Niobium Thin Film
Gaurav Gupta, R. K. Tyagi, S. K. Rajput
Statistical Optimization by Response Surface Methodology of Process Parameters During the CNC Turning Operation of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite
Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Manish Maurya, Ambuj Saxena, Nagendra Kumar Maurya, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi
Green Synthesis Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) Using Lamtoro Pods Extract (Leucaena leucocephala) and Their Potential for Mercury Ion Detection
Muhamad Allan Serunting, Okky Fajar Tri Maryana, Erga Syafitri, Solina Balqis, Elsa Windiastuti
Modelling Photovoltaic System Adoption for Households:A Systematic Literature Review
Nurwidiana Nurwidiana, Bertha Maya Sopha, Adhika Widyaparaga
Structural and Electrochemical Analysis of Iron Doping in LiNi 0.6-x Mn 0.2 Co 0.2 Fe x O 2 battery
Anisa Raditya Nurohmah, Cornelius Satria Yudha, Mintarsih Rahmawati, Shofirul
Sholikhatun Nisa, Arif Jumari, Hendri Widiyandari, and Agus Purwanto
Anomaly Detection Using LSTM-Autoencoder to Predict Coal Pulverizer Condition on Coal-Fired Power Plant
G M Luciana, M K Wisyaldin, Henry Pariaman, Muhammad Hisjam
On-Grid Photovoltaic System Power Monitoring Based on Open Source and Low-Cost Internet of Things Platform
Hoedi Prasetyo
Sustainable Value Stream Mapping Design to Improve Sustainability Performance of Animal Feed Production Process
A A A Putri, S Hartini, R Purwaningsih
On the Effects of Tangential Air Inlets Distribution Configurations to the Combustion Characteristics of a Direct Injection Liquid Fueled Swirl Flameless Combustor (SFC).
Adam. K, M. A. Wahid
Predictive Numerical Analysis on the Mixing Characteristics in a Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE)
Mohammad Nurizat Rahman, Mazlan Abdul Wahid, Mohd Fairus Mohd Yasin, Ummikalsom Abidin, Muhammad Amri Mazlan
Analysis of 3D Printed Stack in Thermoacoustic Cooling
Muhammad Nazmi Hadi Roslan, Nor Atiqah Zolpakar, Normah Mohd-Ghazali, and Fatimah Al-Zahrah Mohd Saat
Effect of Wall Resistance on the Total Thermal Resistance of a Stacked Microchannel Heat Sink
H. S. Shamsuddin, U. Abidin, H. Abd-Zaidan, N. Mohd-Ghazali
Biosorption of Chromium (VI) Ions using Sustainable Eggshell Impregnated Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb. Biosorbent
N.Y. Yahya, J.X. Chan, N. Ngadi
Magnetic Microbeads Trapping using Microfluidic and Permanent Magnet System
N.Z. Zaini, N.B Kamaruzaman, U. Abidin
Outlets Airflow Velocity Enhancement of an Automotive HVAC Duct
N. Olleh, N.A. Husain, H.M. Kamar, N.B. Kamsah, M. Idrus Alhamid
Nanofluid-Cooled Microchannel Heat Sink with Carbon Nanotube
Hielfarith Suffri Shamsuddin, Lee Wei Tong, Normah Mohd-Ghazali, Patrice Estellé, Thierry Maré, and Maziah Mohamad
Initiation Characteristics of Rotating Supersonic Combustion Engine
Muhammad Amri Mazlan, Mohd Fairus Mohd Yasin, Aminuddin Saat, Mazlan Abdul Wahid, Ahmad Dairobi Ghazali, Mohammad Nurizat Rahman
Early Assessment of Asymmetric Vortex Small Rotating Detonation Engine
A. Dairobi G., M. A. Wahid, M. A. Mazlan, M. H. Azeman
The Effectiveness of Jet Impingement Cooling System on Various Flat Plate Surface
Aiman.Y. M.Firdaus, M.N. Musa, S. Syahrullail
Estimation Method for Mass Transfer Coefficient Distribution using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Hiroshi Eshima, Naoki Ikegaya, Takuya Yasumasu, Aya Hagishima, Jun Tanimoto
How Lubricant Plays a Role in the Heat Pump System
Yang Changru, Nobuo Takata, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki
Thermodynamic Feasibility Evaluation of a Novel Low-temperature Ejector- based Trans-critical R744 Refrigeration Cycle
Mojtaba Purjam, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki
The Exergy Investigation of a Mechanical Vapor Compression Chiller for Cooling Using R410a
Uthpala Perera, Nobuo Takata, Takahiko Miyazaki, Yukihiro Higashi and Kyaw Thu
Thermal Performance of Alternating-Current Heat Recovery Ventilator in Partially Wet Conditions
Ahmad Alfan Farizi, Hyunjin Lee, Hwataik Han
Observed Diverse Indoor Thermal Environments of Low-cost Dwellings Located in a Kampung District
Solli Murtyas, Aya Hagishima, Kusumaningdyah N.H
Comparative Study of Thermal Water Pumping Cycles
Y.T. Abirham, K. Thu, T. Miyazaki, and N. Takata
Highly Microporous Activated Carbon from Acorn Nutshells and its Performance in Water Vapor Adsorption
Chairunnisa, K. Thu, T. Miyazaki, K. Nakabayashi, J. Miyawaki, A. T. Wijayanta, F. Rahmawati