This scholarship 'Kuma Toshimi International Scholarship' was
established in 1998 thanks to a gift from the Kuma Toshimi
International Engineering Sciences Organization in honor of the
founder of Seibu Giken Co., Ltd, late Dr. Toshimi Kuma.
Since its establishment, this scholarship has supported motivated
international students of Interdisciplinary Graduate School of
Engineering Sciences at Kyushu University (KU-IGSES).
Every year recipients of the scholarship are invited to an award
ceremony and give a research presentation as well as to interact with
organization and the relatives of Mr.Toshimi Kuma.
Four years later since its establishment, the KUIGSES-Kuma Toshiimi
International Scholarship Alumni Assocation was established on
December 6th, 2012 to deepen the network among the alumni, the
University, and the Organization and to support the University's
mission of teaching, research, and service.
Annual Exchange Meeting in 2012
In honor of the founder of the scholarship, late Dr. Toshimi Kuma the former president of Seibu Giken Co., Ltd., Kuma Toshimi International Engineering Sciences Organization aimed to establish “the fund to contribute to the development of oversea students of the faculty of Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences of Kyushu University”.
The amount of the scholarship is 50,000 yen per month. If an applicant receives any other scholarships, however, the amount will be reduced by half.
Those who can be eligible for this scholarship are self-financed oversea students who have both excellent personality and academic performance but difficulty in financing to study for a doctorate at Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences of Kyushu University.
The scholarship will be offered from the start of the postgraduate course to the end of September or March in the final year in accordance with Kyushu university graduate school regulation article 5. In case that the duration of the course completion is shorter than that of the regular course, it will be offered for that length of period in accordance with the article14 of the rules of the faculty of Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences of Kyushu University.
The dean of Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences would request a student to cancel the scholarship according to the report from a supervisor of a department of the faculty. When a student is requested the cancellation of scholarship, the funding will be stopped from the next month of the request. If the request is made on the 1st day of a month, it will be stopped from the month. The request will be made in the following cases:
a. There is no possibilities of a student to attend the classes.
b. The performance and/or the grade of a student becomes discreditable.
c. A student withdraws from the postgraduate course.
d. A student is no longer financial difficulty to take the course.
Student Affairs Division, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences,
Kyushu University,
6-1 Kasuga koen, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580 JAPAN
Phone: 092-583-7512