Domestic Internship

All GA course students are required to undertake a “Domestic Internship” for approximately 10 days in a company or a research institute in Japan from the third to the fifth school year. There are 3 options as shown below.

(Option 1) Apply to external internship programs financially supported by a company or a research institute. For details, please see “Remarks” at the bottom of this page. (C-Engine, METI program)

(Option 2) Attend job fairs or industrial symposia at least twice. Once is sufficient if the student has a poster presentation.

(Option 3) Undertake an internship financially supported by the KU research supervisor. The student can choose the same or a different location from the organization they went to for their practice school.

This internship requires that the student experiences practical training in research & development or production & services in domestic enterprises or institutions. The module is allocated 1 credit and is compulsory for GA course completion.


Flow of the “Domestic Internship”

  • The student consults with their KU research supervisor to decide a research institute or a company in Japan.
    Although undertaking the internship at a university is generally not permitted, in special cases where a suitable industrial location cannot be found it may be possible. If this is the case please ask your supervisor to submit a statement of reasons in addition to the domestic internship plan mentioned below.
  • Before starting
    Option 1 and 3:
    3 months prior to the start date, the student should complete a domestic internship plan with details of the host institute, period and activities involved and submit this to the GA office by email. (greenasia[at]  
    Upon approval of the GA academic affairs committee, the student can commence the internship according to their plan. 
    Option 2:
    1 month prior to job fairs, the student should submit ajob fair attendance check sheet (except for section 4) to the GA office.
  • Travel procedure
    Option 1 and 3 only:
    The student should complete a detailed travel plan.
    Moreover, give notice to Kyushu University of your internship as follows. 
  • Completion Procedure
    Option 1 and 3:
    Within one month, submit 3 “internship check sheets from the student, the host and the KU research supervisor. (Use the right side of “domestic internship plan”). → E-mail to: greenasia[at] 
    Option 2:
    Within one month, submit a job fair attendance check sheet by the student and the KU research supervisor. → E-mail to: greenasia[at] 
  • Students who select the 2nd option are required to give a brief verbal explanation detailing the activities at the GA academic staff meeting. Students who select the 1st option are also required to do this when the internship lasts less than 10days. 



✔ There is no financial support for the domestic internship from GA.

✔ Students are encouraged to apply to public or private scholarship such as:

✔ Students are encouraged to apply to public or private scholarship such as:

✔ If a host institute or your KU research supervisor are willing to cover the cost, it is possible to extend the period. In this case, please contact the GA office in advance.

If a host institute gives a stipend or a daily allowance to you, GA monthly allowance will be adjusted (reduced) based on the amount you will receive. Please give advance notice to the GA office, if applicable.

Be sure to take out insurance for accidents involving third parties or their property (Gakken-bai) at the student academic affairs section.