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Involvements in Industry-academic Collaboration
IGSES provides graduate education for fostering skilled engineers with an advanced academic knowledge and a broad perspective who can flourish in industrial areas. In addition,
The industry-academia collaboration is one of important role of IGSES as a social contribution through research as well as valuable opportunities for graduate students to be directly exposed to the technological development activities of the industrial world.
We have carried out various projects for a close collaboration with society based on the philosophy of the university, and accepted sponsored and joint research from commercial enterprises, and dispatched lecturers by interacting and forging an academic exchange agreement with companies of various regions from the local Fukuoka area to the world.
Various collaboration schemes
For the collaborative activities, we provide several types of schemes as follows;
✔ Sponsored Research System :
Our faculty undertakes research on commission.
✔ Commissioned Researcher System : We welcome active engineers and researchers of commercial enterprises.
✔ Joint Research : IGSES faculty members and private enterprise researchers work collectively on common research issues.
✔ Scholarship Grant System:
We accept from private enterprises and individual benefactors for the running of the university for providing quality academic research and education. Through this system, it is possible to establish the “Private Donation Maintained Course” and “Private Donation Maintained Research Division”.
For example, our graduate school has established the “Electrical Energy System Laboratory”; a course maintained by the donation from the Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. between 1989 and 2005.
For further information on our collaboration schemes, please refer to the following website.
IGSES undertakes a diverse range of commissioned researches and collaborative studies in the fields, such as catalyst, sensors, fuel cells, engines, biomedical materials, nanomaterials, and various simulation technologies associated with environmental issues.
Moreover, we launched the Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research in 2003 in Chikushi Campus for enhancing further industry-academia collaborations, which is mainly centered on the university’s endeavors to send out information to society and make social contributions in addition to education and research.
Research Support Section, General Affairs Division,
Chikushi Administrative Office Kyushu University srskenkyu@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp TEL +81-92-583-8675