・Country/region: Egypt
・Enrolled Date: October 2016
・Department : Applied Science for Electronics and Materials
・Doctoral degree supervisor :
Building my career at Kyushu University enriched my perception and way of thinking. It has widened my perspective and has given me up to date ideas of the importance of engineering and science in today’s day and age. In IGSES, the faculties and staff members are very helpful and are always present to clear our doubts and to help us with our life issues in during our stay. The relationship between faculties and students is very cordial, which gave me an opportunity to excel in my area of interest and broaden my perspective of how things work and their significance. There is a small international community made up of various nationalities, but is strong and active with regular and different activities and trips throughout the years around Kyushu. I’m currently a member of KIISA, a student body association collaborating between Japanese and international students to promote cultural and community activities.