Diverse interdisciplinary research
The predecessor of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences (IGSES) was the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences Research Course. This was established in 1979 as the nation’s first independent graduate school from the existing undergraduate schools that were engaged in interdisciplinary research and education in science and engineering. Currently IGSES consists of 5 departments and plays an important role in advanced research and education in three main fields. These are materials, energy and the environment. The cooperation of two adjunct institutes, the Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering (IMCE) as well as the Research Institute for Applied Mechanics (RIAM) further supplement the research and educational output of IGSES Over the past 26 years, IGSES has educated a wide range of excellent students from various undergraduate schools and universities from all over the world. It has achieved remarkable academic success through interdisciplinary research activities. We are convinced that the diversity of students and faculty in terms of research areas as well as their nationality in IGSES is an important resource and driving force to contribute to the realization of sustainable development and economic prosperity based on science and technology.