Now that we have entered the 21st Century, the issues of energy on a global scale are about to face a major turning point. The population growth and the boom in energy consumption due to the improvement of living standards indicate that the progress of human civilization must face challenges in the not-so-distance future, if it continues to depend on fossil resource, and there is an urgent need for the development of an extensive energy source that will support a wide range of daily activities based on environmental conservation.
The Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science (AEES) is training researchers and engineers with a broad perspective and creative ability who would undertake a leadership role for the resolution of the energy issues of the 21st Century by carrying out the development of advanced nuclear energy that utilizes nuclear fusion and fission, the development of advanced energy such as hydrogen and solar energy for multiple uses, and interdisciplinary education and research on its basic theory.
AEES provides 4 major courses run by instructors who belong to IGSES
and the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics (RIAM), and one
collaborative course, which is taught by researchers of a national
laboratory and commercial enterprise. All th 5 categories are as
▶ High Density Energy Science
▶ Engineering Science for Advanced Energy System
▶ Fusion Plasma Engineering Science
▶ High Energy Material Science
▶ Advanced Energy System Technology
The major courses are further separated into 13 laboratories to provide the discipline and interdiscipline education of various energies to allow students to acquire expert knowledge from basics to application.
The graduates of our department play active roles in a wide range of areas including energy, electronics, materials, machinery, chemistry, plant engineering, as well as software, communication and information.