Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials
Prof. Kiichiro UCHINO

▶Plasma Physics and Engineering
▶Electrical Discharge Engineering
Studies on production and diagnostics of processing plasmas
used for fabrication of thin film solar cells

Assoc. Prof. Yukihiko YAMAGATA

▶Plasma Science and Technology
Development of temperature measurement method for
the junction of working LED using pulsed-laser system

Assis. Prof. Kentaro TOMITA

▶Plasma Science and Technology
Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostics for collisionless
shocks produced with high-power laser

Prof. Kiichi HAMAMOTO

▶Opto-electronics ▶Photonic device
▶Semiconductor ▶Opto-electronic communication
Research regarding ubiquitous optical sensing using optical
waveguide gas cells; Active MMI dual-stabilizing laser
accumulated memory components for optical RAM;
High-output SLED from active MMI;
Research regarding single-wavelength active MMI laser

Assoc. Prof. Kungen TEII

▶Plasma Processing ▶Materials Engineering
Materials analysis and production of dielectric film and
semiconductor film for electric devices; Vapor phase synthesis
of diamond, nano-carbon, nitrous-boron,
and silicon-carbide films; Investigation of reactive plasma
through mass spectrometry, probe methods, and optical methods

Assis. Prof. Haisong Jiang

▶Opto-electronics ▶Photonic device
Optical mode switch

Prof. Saito WATARU

▶Power Semiconductor Devices
power semiconductor devices for high-efficient conversion
high functional control technology of power semiconductor devices
power modules connecting to the energy network

Prof. Minoru NISHIDA

▶Microstructure of Materials
Research: Microstructural analysis in phase transformation of
crystalline materials; Development of functional materials
using phase transformation; Mechanical propertics
and applications of shape memory allays

Assoc. Prof. Masaru ITAKURA

▶Physical Metallurgy ▶Crystallography
▶Solid State Physics
Fabrication of silicide nano-bulk crystals and their application
for thermo-electronic devices

Assis. Prof. Hiroshi AKAMINE

▶Microstructure of Materials
Solid-solid phase transformation in metals; Electron microscopy; Phase-field simulation

Prof. Michitaka OHTAKI

▶Inorganic Material Chemistry
▶Industrial Physics and Chemistry
Energy-saving and environmentally-compatible oxide
thermoelectric conversion material; Unused waste heat energy
consuming thermoelectric device; Invention of uniform
low-dimensional quantum structure semi-conductor;
New physical property manifested by nanostructure of single
nm level; Light and energy converter material

Assoc. Prof. Koichiro SUEKUNI

▶Thermoelectrics ▶Low-temperature physics
Development of environmentally benign thermoelectric materials


▶Structural ceramics
▶ High temperature ceramic coatings
Thermal and environmental barrier coatings
Ceramic nanocomposites
High temperature ceramics
Ceramic sintering and characterization

Assoc. Prof. Hidetsugu SAKAGUCHI

▶Nonlinear Physics
Dynamics of branching and hierarchical structures

Assoc. Prof. Kai MORINO

Dynamical robustness and resilience of dynamical systems
Data mining of real data
Spiking Neural Networks

Prof. Satoshi HATA

▶Electron microscopy for materials science
▶Diffusional phase transformation in alloys
Three-dimensional nanostructural observation using electron tomography
Applications of transmission electron microscopy-automated crystal
orientation mapping (TEM-ACOM) to nanostructured materials

Assoc. Prof. Hikaru SAITO

▶Optical physics, Electron microscopy
3D observation of ferromagnetic material by magnetic-field-free STEM
Interactions between metals and oxides characterized by electron energy-loss spectroscopy
Plasmonic crystals characterized by scanning transmission electron microscopy-cathodoluminescence
Optical property of nanostructural material characterized by angle-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy

Prof. Tsuyoshi YOSHITAKE

▶Applied Physics ▶Thin Solid Films
▶Solid State Physics
i) Development of new spintronics devices based on
Fe-Si materials,
ii) Fabrication of semiconducting iron disilicides thin films
by sputtering and their application to photovoltaics,
iii) Fabrication of nanocrystalline diamond films by physical
vapor depositions and their application to photovoltaics
and hard coating

Prof. Hirotsugu KIKUCHI

▶Functional Molecular Engineering
Construction of fusion materials using advanced mechanisms
of organic molecules; Substance and understanding
of frustrated liquid crystals;
New model investigation; Applications for device materials

Assoc. Prof. Yasushi OKUMURA

▶Polymer Physics
▶Supramolecular Science
Observation of lattice structures in liquid crystalline blue phases
by confocal laser scanning microscope

Prof. Shigeto OKADA

▶Inorganic Chemistry ▶ Electrochemistry
Post lithium-ion battery; eco-friendly electrode active materials;
intercalation reaction

Assoc. Prof. Albrecht Ken

▶Organic Electronics, Polymer Chemistry, Dendrimer, Materials Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry
Organic cathode materials for secondary-batteries
Solution-processable thermally-activated delayed-fluorescence material
Development of new electrostatic catalysis reaction

Assis. Prof. Atsushi INOISHI

All-solid-state lithium-ion batteries
Battery based on fluoride shuttle

Prof. Jun-ichiro HAYASHI

▶Chemical and Reaction Engineering
Simulation of contribution of multi-components complex
molecular-level reactions and reaction design; Heat-chemical
reaction development for revolutionary carbon resource
conversion and the realization of co-production;
Meso- and micro-pores material solidification;
Development of resource conversion methods for using
polymer series gaps as reactionary sites; Development
of radical-driven carbon-accelerating gas method;
Hydrocarbon modification and carbon material synthesis through
Chemical Vapor Deposition and Chemical Vapor Infiltration

Assis. Prof. Shinji KUDO

▶Chemical Engineering
Pyrolysis, reforming and gasification of carbon resources
including coal and biomass

Assis. Prof. Shusaku ASANO

▶Chemical Engineering, Chemical Reaction Engineering
Automated reactor system with dynamic and precise control
Handling of solid materials, liquid catalysts, and particules in a reactor
Chemical reaction engineering for organic synthesis and fine crystal synthesis

Assoc. Prof. Katsuhiko FUJITA

▶Organic functional materials
Preparation and characterization of organic semiconductor
thin films

Prof. Seong-Ho YOON

▶Materials Engineering and Carbonic Materials
Carbonic resource shift; Hydrogen production; Reactionary
engineering related to carbonic materials production;
Research for the production of environmental catalysts
using carbon nano-fibers; Up-grading of heavy oils;
Research on nitrogen and metals removal

Assoc. Prof. Jin MIYAWAKI

▶Surface science
Development of porous carbons and science of molecular adsorption

Prof. Naoki OHASHI


Prof. Kazunori TAKADA


Assoc. Prof. Toru HARA


Assoc. Prof. Isao SAKAGUCHI


Prof. Hiroshi NAKASHIMA

▶Semiconductor Device Engineering
Elemental research and development for the realization of
high-performance Ge-CMOS; Elemental research
and development for the realization of onboard
high-performance power devices; Crystalline evaluation
of thin semiconductor films on dielectric film

Assoc. Prof. WANG DONG

▶Semiconductor Device and Material Engineering
▶Ge optoelectronics ▶Si/Ge CMOS process technology
▶Electrical and optical characterization

Prof. Shigeru FUJINO

▶Material Science ▶Glass science technology
Development of functional glass-ceramic materials,
Measurement of properties and structure of glass melts
using laser spectroscopy

Prof. Reiji HATTORI

▶Electronic device
Analysis of organic electronic devices using 2-dimensional
device simulator