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[Category II] Opto-Electronics Labgoratory

Device Science and Engineering

Professor Kiichi HAMAMOTO, , Assistant Professor Haisong JIANG, ,  
Labo Site

1) Optical breath-sensing toward human daily health-care. One of the target is to realize compact sensing chip which will be integrated cell-phone and other mobile devices.
2) Extremely high-speed laser diode. The target is to realize Tbps direct-modulation by using active-MMI technology.
3) Mode-division-multiplexing device. One of the target is to realize 1,000 times higher transmission capacity. We have realized the world-first optical mode swith for this purpose.

[Category II] Functional Device Engineering Laboratory

Device Science and Engineering

Professor Wang Dong,  
Labo Site

Our laboratory is researching new technologies such as More Moore, More than Moore, Beyond CMOS, etc. to further improve the performance and functionality of integrated circuits, which are essential components of information and communication equipment. Specifically, we are doing research on Group IV semiconductor process technology (thin film formation / processing technology), device fabrication, electrical and optical evaluation, and relevant technologies for improving the performance of semiconductor devices such as transistors and light-emitting devices. For conducting these studies, various process / evaluation facilities are equipped in a 200 square meter clean room. In our laboratory, "Presentation at the Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Applied Physics (nationwide)" and "Contributing to international conferences" are set as standard tasks for master's course students.

● Development of material and process technologies for advanced CMOS
● Ge photo electronics
● Ge Tunnel FET, Spin MOSFET
● Ge, GeSn-TFT on glass / plastic substrates
● Development of 3C-SiC MOSFET technologies

[Category II] Ionized Gas Dynamics Laboratory

Device Science and Engineering

Associate Professor Yukihiko Yamagata , Associate Professor Kungen Tsutsui (Teii),  
Labo Site

Plasma and laser processing using the advantage of ionized gas dynamics can potentially cause a variety of unique physical/chemical interactions, and is widely used as one of the advanced technologies for supporting sustainable society in various research fields such as electronics, material science, and environmental science. Our group tries to develop next generation technologies by application of plasmas and lasers. These include spectroscopic characterization of optical/electronic device systems, development of new-type optical sources, decomposition of environmental pollutants, development of electronic materials and devices operable under harsh environments, and development of biomedical materials and devices compatible with the human body.

1. Study of plasma and laser processing by laser diagnostics
2. Remote measurement of temperature/strain of semiconductor devices
3. Synthesis of low-k films using DUV pulsed-laser deposition
4. Field emission devices using nanostructured materials
5. Diodes and capacitors using wide band gap semiconductors for high temperature condition
6. Surface functionalization and biological characterization of ultrahard materials

Lab list 

Kyushu University


九州大学 工学部 融合基礎工学科



Collaborative Graduate School Program for Global Human Resources Development in Energy and Environmental Science and Technology


Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy


Annual International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences