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[Category II] Electronic Physical Device Engineering

Device Science and Engineering

Professor Tsuyoshi YOSHITAKE , Associate Professor Abdelrahman Zkria , Assistant Professor Hiroshi NARAGINO,  
Labo Site

We carry out research on processes and evaluation technologies, including elemental technologies for preparing sensing materials and fabricating devices. Physical vapor deposition methods such as sputtering, laser ablation, and coaxial arc plasma deposition are mainly employed for growing sensing materials in thin film, and we actively employ advanced lasers as new elemental technologies for device formations. Our lab comprises Japanese students coming from other universities and Kosen and foreign students.

● Development of sensors and photovoltaics that operate in extreme environments employing wide gap semiconductors such as diamond and gallium oxide.
● The new process development for forming quantum centers in diamond and their applications to quantum sensors bio-makers
● Spin injection into semiconductors and creation of semiconductor spin devices

[Category Ⅰ] Quntum Chemistry

Chemistry and Materials Science

Professor Yuriko Aoki,  
Labo Site

We are creating an efficient calculation method to elucidate materials at atomic and molecular levels by quantum chemistry based on the molecular orbital (MO) method, as well as designing new functional materials and analyzing catalytic reactions. In particular, we are aiming to design functional properties using supercomputers by analyzing the electronic states of nanotubes, surface, and biopolymers like DNA/RNA/Proteins using proprietary highly accurate method. There, to elucidate the principles of physical properties and reactions, our unique orbital interaction analysis method is also incorporated. Along with the construction of novel methods that contribute to pre-/reverse- synthesis design such as magnetism, conductivity, optics and battery characteristics, machine learning using neural networks and novel multi-scale methods using dynamics are also being developed.

● Development of accurate and fast quantum chemistry calculation method -Elongation method- and DNA/RNA data science
● Structural / characteristic analysis of solid surface, homogeneous / non-homogeneous / biological-catalytic reactions
● Theoretical analysis and design of ferromagnetism, conductivity, nonlinear optics, battery materials, etc.
● Development and application of orbital interaction analysis for functional elucidation-Through Space / Bond analysis method
● Computational chemistry related to CO2 adsorption and polymer degradation prevention that contribute to environmental problems

[Category II] Plasma and Quantum Science and Engineering

Advanced Fusion Information Control Engineering

Associate Professor Makoto HASEGAWA

Nuclear fusion is considered a next-generation technology that will enable sustainable energy supply, especially since its control is extremely difficult, requiring real-time control of complex plasma behavior and efficient energy extraction. We are tackling various technical issues for the practical application of fusion energy by utilizing information technology and control theory to realize stable and efficient generation and control of fusion energy. Advanced experiments and research on long plasma duration, highly efficient plasma confinement, and suppression of plasma instabilities are conducted using QUEST, the largest spherical tokamak device in Asia, located at the Chikushi Campus.
Our laboratory cooperates with the Fusion Plasma Physics and Control Engineering (Ido and Kinoshita), Fusion Plasma Science and Technology (Hanada and Onchi), and Advanced Plasma Science and Engineering (Idei and Ikezoe) laboratories to promote education and research.

●Development of plasma control technology using machine learning
●Study on generation and maintenance of divertor plasmas
●Numerical Predictive Modeling of Plasmas for Prediction and Optimization
●Research on real-time processing with sensor technology and data collection
●Development of robust feedback control system to suppress instability

[Category II] Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Physics

Plasma and Quantum Science and Engineering

Professor Yukinobu Watanabe , Assistant Professor Shoichiro Kawase,  
Labo Site

"Nuclear and radiation physics engineering research supporting a safe, secure, and smart future society" We are conducting interdisciplinary research related to physics and medicine/engineering with the aim of cutting-edge application of particle beams such as neutrons and muons to the fields of energy, medicine, space development, etc. Using advanced techniques of experiments, theoretical calculations, and numerical simulations, we are intensively studying the mechanisms of cosmic-rays induced soft errors in semiconductor devices, reduction and resource recycling of high-level radioactive wastes through nuclear transmutation, the development of a new radiopharmaceutical manufacturing method used for diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and deterioration diagnosis of small and medium-sized infrastructure equipment with muography technique, and so on.

・Cosmic-rays induced soft errors in semiconductor devices
・Reduction and resource recycling of high-level radioactive wastes through nuclear transmutation
・Structure perspective with advanced muography technique
・Medical RI production with accelerator neutrons
・Development of advanced radiation detectors and data analysis methods

[Category II] Energy Chemical Engineering

Plasma and Quantum Science and Engineering

Associate Professor Kazunari Katayama , Assistant Professor Makoto Oya,  
Labo Site

With the aim of developing attractive next-generation energy systems, we are engaged in education and research in the fields of chemical engineering such as process engineering and thermal mass transfer engineering. Through fundamental experiments, we try to model chemical reactions and mass transfer phenomena, and then to use numerical simulations to pursue optimal systems. In the development area of ​​most advanced science and technology, there are many situations in which it is difficult to predict phenomena based on just conventional knowledge.In our laboratory, we are challenging to correctly understand and model mass transfer phenomena occuring in special environments such as the interface between plasma or supercritical CO2 and solid walls, the flow field of high-temperature melts (liquid metals and molten salts), and the field of nuclear transmutation reaction by neutrons. Additonally, we are also actively studying on the hydrogen production using solid electrolyte cell or plasma, and environmental dynamics of tritium, which is a radioactive hydrogen isotope. These scientific achievements will be useful for the realization of nuclear fusion reactors, next-generation fission reactors, and a society utilizing hydrogen energy and renewable energy.

・Development of fuel cycle system in fusion power plants.
・Modeling of tritium mass transfer phenomena in soils and plants
・Development of liquid metal and molten salt circulation system
・Development of hydrogen production / extraction technology using plasma, solid electrolytic cells, etc.

[Category Ⅰ] Chemistry and Physics of Functional Materials

Science and Engineering of Materials and Devices

Professor Michitaka Ohtaki , Associate Professor Suekuni Koichiro,  
Labo Site

This laboratory was established in 2013 focusing on development of energy-oriented novel functional materials based on inorganic materials science, physical and solid state chemistry, and condensed matter physics. It also aims at more comprehensive targets in materials science by combining a wide variety of the properties of inorganic materials and an extensive tunability of organic molecules. The most distinguished achievement of our lab is a pioneering work on oxide and sulfide thermoelectric materials resulting in our continuing accomplishments on the best performances of both n- and p-type bulk thermoelectric oxides. Our perspective, however, is not limited to the thermoelectric materials, but extends to unconventional approaches in materials chemistry and physics for next-generation materials including low-dimensional quantum-confined inorganic nanomaterials spontaneously formed in the presence of self-assembly molecular templates exploiting organic surfactant molecules.

●Oxide- and sulfide-based thermoelectric materials with novel crystal structures, chemical compositions, and nanostructures
●Selectively enhanced phonon scattering by nano-inclusions and nano-heterointerfaces
●Novel material processing for oxide/non-oxide nanocomposite ceramics
●Anomalous solid solubility expansion and its application to unconventional intensive doping by multi-element co-doping
●Layered, caged, and rattling crystal structures and their thermal and electronic properties
●Low-dimensional inorganic nanomaterials spontaneously formed by organic molecular assembly templates and their peculiar quantum properties

Lab list 

Kyushu University


九州大学 工学部 融合基礎工学科



Collaborative Graduate School Program for Global Human Resources Development in Energy and Environmental Science and Technology


Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy


Annual International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences