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[Category II] Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Physics

Plasma and Quantum Science and Engineering

Professor Yukinobu Watanabe , Assistant Professor Shoichiro Kawase,  
Labo Site

"Nuclear and radiation physics engineering research supporting a safe, secure, and smart future society" We are conducting interdisciplinary research related to physics and medicine/engineering with the aim of cutting-edge application of particle beams such as neutrons and muons to the fields of energy, medicine, space development, etc. Using advanced techniques of experiments, theoretical calculations, and numerical simulations, we are intensively studying the mechanisms of cosmic-rays induced soft errors in semiconductor devices, reduction and resource recycling of high-level radioactive wastes through nuclear transmutation, the development of a new radiopharmaceutical manufacturing method used for diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and deterioration diagnosis of small and medium-sized infrastructure equipment with muography technique, and so on.

・Cosmic-rays induced soft errors in semiconductor devices
・Reduction and resource recycling of high-level radioactive wastes through nuclear transmutation
・Structure perspective with advanced muography technique
・Medical RI production with accelerator neutrons
・Development of advanced radiation detectors and data analysis methods

[Category Ⅲ] Space Environmental Fluid Dynamics

Department of Earth System Science and Technology

Associate Professor Shuichi MATSUKIYO , Assistant Professor Shogo ISAYAMA,  
Labo Site

Space is filled with plasma. In our heliosphere the main source of plasma is the sun. Magnetospheres of planets are connected with the sun via the plasma filling the interplanetary space. Their behaviour is influenced in many ways by solar activity. The heliosphere itself is exposed to interstellar space which is also filled with interstellar plasma... We study a variety of space environments from near Earth to distant high energy objects. We also work to develop the propulsion techniques of spacecraft by controlling plasma.

Physics of collisionless shocks Nonlinear waves and turbulence in space plasma Acceleration and transport of cosmic rays Relativistic plasma High density radiofrequency plasma

[Category Ⅰ] Crystal Physics and Engineering Laboratory

Chemistry and Materials Science

Associate Professor Masaru Itakura , Assistant Professor Hiroshi Akamine,  
Labo Site

Functions and properties of materials are strongly related to the microstructures. Therefore, the microstructre design is highly important for material development to meet different demands in practice. Our goal is to clarify relation between the functions/properties and the microstructures by using a variety of techniques such as advanced electron microscopy and computer simulations. Particularly, materials that have potential to contribute carbon neutral are of our great interest such as high-performance permanent magnets, functional metallic and semiconducting materials. We are dedicated to multi-scale mictrostructure analysis that gives an insightful direction to develop innovative materials.

・Microstructure analysis of a high-performance neodymium magnet by multi-scale electron microscopy.
・Microstructure analysis of more novel PLD nanocomposite magnets by aberration-corrected STEM.
・Domain structures of magnetic and dielectric materials visualized by advanced scanning electron microscopy.
・Mechanism of omega phase transformation in titanium alloys.

[Category Ⅰ] Chemistry and Physics of Functional Materials

Science and Engineering of Materials and Devices

Professor Michitaka Ohtaki , Associate Professor Suekuni Koichiro,  
Labo Site

This laboratory was established in 2013 focusing on development of energy-oriented novel functional materials based on inorganic materials science, physical and solid state chemistry, and condensed matter physics. It also aims at more comprehensive targets in materials science by combining a wide variety of the properties of inorganic materials and an extensive tunability of organic molecules. The most distinguished achievement of our lab is a pioneering work on oxide and sulfide thermoelectric materials resulting in our continuing accomplishments on the best performances of both n- and p-type bulk thermoelectric oxides. Our perspective, however, is not limited to the thermoelectric materials, but extends to unconventional approaches in materials chemistry and physics for next-generation materials including low-dimensional quantum-confined inorganic nanomaterials spontaneously formed in the presence of self-assembly molecular templates exploiting organic surfactant molecules.

●Oxide- and sulfide-based thermoelectric materials with novel crystal structures, chemical compositions, and nanostructures
●Selectively enhanced phonon scattering by nano-inclusions and nano-heterointerfaces
●Novel material processing for oxide/non-oxide nanocomposite ceramics
●Anomalous solid solubility expansion and its application to unconventional intensive doping by multi-element co-doping
●Layered, caged, and rattling crystal structures and their thermal and electronic properties
●Low-dimensional inorganic nanomaterials spontaneously formed by organic molecular assembly templates and their peculiar quantum properties

[Category Ⅰ] Materials Structure Design

Science and Engineering of Materials and Devices

Professor Satoshi Iikubo , Associate Prof. Yusuke shimada,  
Labo Site

We are developing next-generation structural and functional materials from the perspectives of condensed matter physics and microstructures of materials.First-principles calculations, which reveal the electronic states of substances and calculation of phase diagrams method, are used to explore new materials and control the microstructures. These calculation techniques are applied to solar cells, thermoelectric materials, rechargeable batteries, etc.

●Exploration of new materials using first-principles calculation and phase diagram
●Development of microstructural design using thermodynamic database
●Analysis of crystal structures using X-ray and neutron

[Category II] Nonlinear Physics

Device Science and Engineering

Associate Professor Hidetsugu SAKAGUCHI , Associate Professor Kai MORINO , Assistant Professor Tomokatsu ONAGA,  
Labo Site

Our laboratory focuses on various theoretical problems of nonlinear systems based on knowledge of physics, mathematics, and informatics. We employ numerical simulations for analyses of nonlinear systems such as chaos and fractal and of complex systems that a lot of elements are strongly coupled. We also analyze the robustness of nonlinear dynamical systems under severe damages including power networks. We investigate algorithms of machine learning and brain-morphic AI based on nonlinear dynamics and construct mathematical models for the prediction of real dataset. We also analyze a vortex soliton in the Bose-Einstein condensates at ultra-low temperature and a spiral pattern in a mathematical model for the aggregate of amoeba-like unicellular organisms called cellular slime molds. For more details, see our website.

●Synchronization of nonlinear oscillators
●Mathematical analyses of real datasets
●Dynamical robustness and machine learning algorithms based on nonlinear dynamics
●Vortex solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
●Aggregation pattern of cellular slime molds

[Category Ⅲ] Science on social and environmental complex systems

Professor Jun Tanimoto , Assistant Professor Yoshiko Katahira,  
Labo Site

To solve environmental problems with bringing meningul provisions to our society, we should model complex systems as literally they are, not to much simplified. For ensuringn such modeling, we do need to take a bottom-up approach not relying on a conventional analytical approach from top-down viewscope. In the laboraotory, we explored various studies with intensive scientific passions so as to clarify the mechanisms of 'Human-Environemnt-Social system' by employing applied mathematics and social physics underpined by complex science, evolutionary game theory, non-linear dynamics and multi-agent simulation.

dillema structure in complex science
disease spread machanisms
traffic flow dynamics

[Category II] Functional Device Engineering Laboratory

Device Science and Engineering

Professor Wang Dong,  
Labo Site

Our laboratory is researching new technologies such as More Moore, More than Moore, Beyond CMOS, etc. to further improve the performance and functionality of integrated circuits, which are essential components of information and communication equipment. Specifically, we are doing research on Group IV semiconductor process technology (thin film formation / processing technology), device fabrication, electrical and optical evaluation, and relevant technologies for improving the performance of semiconductor devices such as transistors and light-emitting devices. For conducting these studies, various process / evaluation facilities are equipped in a 200 square meter clean room. In our laboratory, "Presentation at the Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Applied Physics (nationwide)" and "Contributing to international conferences" are set as standard tasks for master's course students.

● Development of material and process technologies for advanced CMOS
● Ge photo electronics
● Ge Tunnel FET, Spin MOSFET
● Ge, GeSn-TFT on glass / plastic substrates
● Development of 3C-SiC MOSFET technologies

[Category II] Plasma and Quantum Science and Engineering

Advanced Fusion Information Control Engineering

Associate Professor Makoto HASEGAWA

Nuclear fusion is considered a next-generation technology that will enable sustainable energy supply, especially since its control is extremely difficult, requiring real-time control of complex plasma behavior and efficient energy extraction. We are tackling various technical issues for the practical application of fusion energy by utilizing information technology and control theory to realize stable and efficient generation and control of fusion energy. Advanced experiments and research on long plasma duration, highly efficient plasma confinement, and suppression of plasma instabilities are conducted using QUEST, the largest spherical tokamak device in Asia, located at the Chikushi Campus.
Our laboratory cooperates with the Fusion Plasma Physics and Control Engineering (Ido and Kinoshita), Fusion Plasma Science and Technology (Hanada and Onchi), and Advanced Plasma Science and Engineering (Idei and Ikezoe) laboratories to promote education and research.

●Development of plasma control technology using machine learning
●Study on generation and maintenance of divertor plasmas
●Numerical Predictive Modeling of Plasmas for Prediction and Optimization
●Research on real-time processing with sensor technology and data collection
●Development of robust feedback control system to suppress instability

Lab list 

Kyushu University


九州大学 工学部 融合基礎工学科



Collaborative Graduate School Program for Global Human Resources Development in Energy and Environmental Science and Technology


Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences and Green Asia Strategy


Annual International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences